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"How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it."   - Albert Einstein

Ten years ago I would have found it unbelievable and a little humorous to identify myself as psychic or medium.  Yet, here I am. The story of my spiritual journey contains many chapters and I am happy to share a few with you.


The passing of a loved one awakened me spiritually.  Needing relief from grieving and an understanding of inexplicable events, I went to a medium for the first time.  Two things happened after that session that was life-changing; Spirit connected with me through no effort on my part and I had a complete shift in perception. I felt love for everyone, everything, and a connectedness to all that exists. It was amazing, and confusing at the same time. I am forever grateful to the medium for his compassion and for sharing his wisdom and guidance to explain spiritual awakenings, meditation, and the grieving process. 

Lily Dale

Morning View in Lily Dale

Upper Cassadaga Lake 

I took this picture after meditating outside during a stay at  Lily Dale. It's one of my favorites because it invokes feelings of calm, peacefulness, and connection. 

I immersed myself in learning trying to comprehend this change. I signed up for workshops, joined development circles, and gave readings.  During this time frame, I had an overwhelming desire to return to volunteering.  Synchronistic events guided me to become a Hospice volunteer.  At the time, I didn't realize how the training and time spent with patients would be significant in the near future.


My youngest sibling was diagnosed with rare cancer. Because he and his family lived ten hours away, my brother lived with my husband and me on and off for medical treatments at a local hospital. Our house became his second home; the home from which he went into the ICU and then to hospice care.  I had the honor of being one of his primary caretakers and am thankful for my experience with Hospice as it allowed me to be of help and comfort to him before he passed.  While his suffering left an indelible mark on my heart, awakening spiritually helped me to cope with the loss.

About six months after he passed, I attended a weekend workshop with Thomas John and Sharon Anne Klingler. The night before the workshop was to begin, they were giving a public demonstration of mediumship which I did not plan on attending.  At the last minute, I decided to go.  The reading that Thomas John gave to me from my brother was surreal and provided healing. It cemented my belief I was to continue with mediumship to do for others what had been done for me.  This night was not the first after-death communication with my brother nor was it the last. 

Extraordinary events occurred for over a year at our home and I knew it was my brother by the persistence to get the messages through. He was a bit of a comic and this part of his personality came through as well.  I was not the only one to witness these events as my family and I have had shared experiences of after-death communication with him.  To this day, he still lets me know he is around.


For what purpose I have experienced the events in my life and ended up where I am, I can not prove. I sense it is to be of service to others - feel it in my heart and soul. I'll find out when I get to the other side. 

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