Julie Babbert Evidential Medium
I will, as a Certified Medium working in the spiritual healing field, conduct myself in a professional, spiritual and ethical manner and will abide by the standards and principles set forth below in my interactions with others.
I will perform my work with integrity and honesty.
I will work and be of service for the highest purpose and the greater good of all causing harm to no one.
I will be respectful of others' beliefs and philosophies recognizing the right to individual truths and perspectives.
I will be understanding and considerate without making judgments about others.
I will treat all people equally regardless of race, sex, religion, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or any other defining characteristic with which an individual identifies. I accept the responsibility that comes with mediumship being mindful words and actions have an impact.
I will maintain strict confidentiality of all sessions, demonstrations, and discussions with clients.
I work within the parameters of the law.
I will not do not retrieve information or research before any reading.
I will show respect to other spiritual healers and will not engage in behavior that may be detrimental to them.
I will actively seek knowledge through education and training to continuously improve my abilities and to grow spiritually.
I will allow God to guide me.
I will honor the universal connection remembering how I treat others has an effect on the whole.
I will only provide readings to people who are 18 or older.
I will obtain written permission to share a personal story (without identifiable information) on my website, in any article or book I author, posts on social media, and/or while providing instruction to others. I will respect the final decision of the individual from whom permission is sought.
I will only ask questions to clarify my understanding of what is being received so I can communicate effectively. I will not permit the reading to be guided by the client by providing specific details to me.
I will discontinue a session and return any funds received when:
I am unsuccessful in connecting.
The reading is comprised by receiving specific details.
It is not in the best interests of the client or myself.
I will not provide any legal, medical, psychological, mental health, or financial advice. Clients will always be advised to contact qualified professionals.
I will not approach family members or law enforcement about victims of crime or missing persons when I receive information through Spirit or telepathically. When approached by immediate family members or law enforcement, I will volunteer my time to be of assistance. I will remain steadfast in my method of working with them.
I will not take advantage of anyone or use any information obtained in a sitting to my own advantage.
I will give as much notice as possible should the need arise to cancel bookings.
I will inform clients that any information or message given is to offer insight and clarity. It is solely the client's interpretation and use of free will on how to use it for guidance and healing. It is not my place to make decisions for others.
© 2021 Julie Babbert Evidential Medium