Here are a few definitions for the terminology used on my website and in my readings for your understanding.
After-Death Communication - An ADC is when a living person has a direct encounter with a deceased family member or friend without the assistance of another individual (medium, therapist, etc) and without the use of any tools or devices. The deceased loved one initiates the contact and determines where and when it happens.
certified medium - Mediums who have successfully completed a mediumship course of study with practicum offered by an institution and/or experienced medium. Some mediums are certified by certain organizations that put the medium through rigorous blind testing of their abilities in research studies.
chakras - Chakra means “wheel” or "disk." There are 7 main chakras (energy centers) throughout the human body which correspond to glands, organs, the nervous system, and our energetic body. Keeping them aligned and open is good for our mental and physical well-being.; out of balance or closed and they can have an adverse effect on humans.
Clairs - Psychics and mediums tune into the energy around them to connect to Spirit or to another individual receiving the information coming to them through mental impressions called The Clairs. These are the psychic versions of the physical senses. Clair is a French word meaning "clear."
Clairvoyance - clear seeing
Clairaudience - clear hearing
Clairalience - clear smelling
Clairgustance - clear tasting
Clairsentience - clear feeling
Claircognizance - clear knowing
communicator - The Spirit who is giving messages to a medium during a reading.
Divine - God or relating to God; the Creator; the Supreme being.
empath - Being empathetic is when your heart feels for someone and you want to comfort them. An individual who is an empath physically and emotionally experiences the feelings of others as if they were his/her own. A few signs that may indicate an individual is an empath include becoming overwhelmed in crowds, needing alone time, being comforted in nature, experiencing a high sensitivity to sounds, smells, and sensations, avoiding conflict at all costs, being highly intuitive, everyone talks about their problems with the person, etc. Empaths tend to get exhausted easily because of always feeling everyone else's emotions.
evidential mediumship - A medium who provides information and messages with specific details. The details are evidence that Spirit communication is occurring and life is continuous. In evidential mediumship readings, the sitter will know who is communicating from the other side.
intuition - The ability to know something without using conscious reasoning to understand or know it.
meditation - A process where an individual brings his/her awareness to focus on one thing at a time and to be present in the moment. Our brains are constantly chattering away non-stop (also known as monkey mind) and run away with negative thoughts, fear, to-do lists, etc. It brings stress upon us and does not allow us to enjoy what we are doing at any given time. Meditation helps us to learn to focus, acknowledge our thoughts without judgment, and improve our well-being.
medium - An individual who has the ability to interact with the Spirits of people who are deceased. The medium acts as an intermediary between those in Spirit and those living in the physical world.
psychic - A person who uses extra-sensory perception (ESP) to access information not readily available using physical senses and whose abilities are inexplicable by natural laws. Psychics are also referred to as clairvoyants. They are able to relate past, present, and future information about another individual without prior knowledge or experience to rely upon.
psychic amnesia - A phenomenon experienced by an individual receiving a reading where he or she is unable to remember any information about deceased loved ones or to recall loved ones who have passed during the session.
reading - A meeting with a psychic or medium who obtains information through extra-sensory perception. Psychic and mediumship readings are different in that a psychic reading relates to providing guidance to an individual relative to certain areas in the person's life. A mediumship reading is connecting the individual with passed loved ones. Some psychics and mediums use tools to assist in their readings, i.e. tarot cards, drawings, auras, etc.
sitter - An individual who is receiving a reading from a psychic or medium.
Spirit - The nonphysical aspects of a being (character and emotions); the soul. The state in which a physical being continues to exist after physical death.
spiritual awakening - There is no one description that is sufficient as everyone has a unique experience. Generalized, it is a process wherein an individual's perception is shifted from relating everything to the self, and what defines individuality, to the whole. Previous thoughts and feelings of self-centeredness (ego) are replaced with an interconnectedness to all. Awakenings are usually triggered by a major life event like the death of a loved one, major accidents, life-threatening illnesses, addiction, etc. Some common changes in behavior and thoughts include the desire to exclude drama from daily life, an appreciation for the beauty of nature, increased forgiveness, feeling loved from the Divine, wanting to make the world a better place, an increase in synchronicities, feeling inspired and creative, others noticing a change in the person, etc.
universal connection - everyone and everything are connected to each other. The actions and interactions of individuals have an effect on the whole.