Frequently Asked Questions
Please send your questions to Julie@juliebabbertmedium.com. I will be happy to address the questions that are repeatedly asked.
How soon after someone passes can they come through in a reading? There are different beliefs relative to this question. Some believe a soul needs time to acclimate to Heaven before communicating. In my experience, there is no set time as I have had connections with people as they were passing and a few weeks after they passed. What I think is important is the client's readiness for the communication. Everyone grieves differently and in his/her own time. The Spirit world is full of intelligence and I believe they know when it is the appropriate time to communicate with their loved ones. So to me, it is not whether Spirit is "ready" to communicate but if it is in the best interest of their loved ones still here.
What if I am afraid of negative Spirits coming to me after a reading? None of my clients or volunteers have ever told me about an experience of negative Spirits, energies, or entities after a reading. The opposite usually occurs in that they can feel their loved ones around them providing comfort and reassurance. Personally, I have not experienced scary or frightening situations. This is not to discount anyone else's experiences - I just can not relate. And this is not to say I have not been startled by Spirit. When a large object moves for no apparent reason or there is loud knocking when you are not expecting it, then it startles you. I look it at as loved ones trying to get my attention and saying "Hey, I'm here with you." I always pray and set my intentions for uplifting communication that is beneficial and for the greater good. Fear of negative energies comes down to your own comfort level, understandings, beliefs, intentions, and perceptions of what is negative or frightening. If you have fear then I would recommend waiting until you have read more about mediumship and are comfortable with having a reading before seeing a psychic or medium. You want to have an enjoyable experience and fear may prevent you from doing so.
What does your logo represent? I have always been drawn to math, science, and spirituality and the symbol (named the Flower of Life in the 1990s) encompasses all three areas. It has been found in many cultures and religions for thousands of years and is part of sacred geometry. It begins with one circle in the middle which to me represents one creator. The additional circles surrounding it touch each other depicting the connectedness to each other and to all that is. When this journey began for me, I consistently woke up at 3:14 AM and the number 314 shows up everywhere in my life. Pi is 3.14 and is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. For these reasons and a few more, it's the perfect representation for me.
Why won't you do photograph readings of missing persons or victims of crime? I was taught a method for performing these readings I found reliable and contributed to the integrity of the reading for the benefit of the family and the case. Steps in the process must be performed sequentially. Additionally, it is only up to the immediate family of the individual (parent, adult child, spouse) or law enforcement to choose whether to use a medium or psychic as an additional tool. I rarely watch the news for a few reasons but one of the most important is that I do not want to have one piece of knowledge or any visuals about a crime or of a missing person before I am contacted for this work. I volunteer my time and efforts for these delicate situations as a way of giving back to others in need.