Thank you for considering me for your reading. I am easy to speak with and try to make you comfortable to ease any nervousness or apprehension you might have. You can be assured you are in a safe environment as sessions with me are confidential.
Do you want a psychic or medium reading? It is helpful to understand the difference before scheduling. A basic explanation is psychics work with intuition, extra-sensory perception, and your energy to provide insight for you relative to different areas of your life. Mediums use their abilities to make a connection with your family and friends who have passed on; referred to as Spirit. All mediums have psychic abilities but not all psychics are mediums. Because mediums have both psychic and mediumship abilities, they are often referred to as psychic mediums and can offer both types of readings.
I work as an evidential medium. During your reading, I connect with Spirit with the intention of receiving specific information that allows you to recognize who is communicating. The details serve as evidence that Spirit communication is occurring. Non-evidential messages which are loving and meaningful are shared as well. An evidential mediumship reading is intended to bring comfort, peace and healing to you.
I encourage you to educate yourself before scheduling an appointment, especially if this is your first reading. A reputable psychic or medium does this work for the spiritual healing and growth it can provide. Whether it is with me or another individual, read reviews and testimonials, ask your friends for recommendations, and learn how professional mediums and psychics should conduct themselves. Let your own intuition tell you if you have confidence in and are comfortable with the person you are considering for a reading.
Skeptical about the afterlife and mediums? A dose of positive skepticism is healthy. The Greek word skeptikos means a person is thoughtful and inquisitive. Being skeptical allows you to discover a deeper or new understanding of things. In that light, I do not try to persuade others to accept my reality and truths as their own. I will share my abilities to connect with people who have passed over and provide information for you to come to your own conclusions and beliefs. Explore and discover for your own personal growth!