What To Expect

Your mediumship reading is similar to having a conversation. With the combined efforts of Spirit, you, and me, successful communication can occur. While I am the one speaking the majority of the time, your participation is equally important to keep the energy flowing. If you are not sure of the difference between psychic and mediumistic work, please go to the Readings page.
Prior to beginning, please do not reveal personal information about yourself or your loved ones. You need to know I am receiving messages from Spirit and not from prior knowledge.
Spirit makes their presence known and begins to give information to me. After receiving a few pieces of information, I will ask you if you recognize the individual and understand what I am relating to you before proceeding. You may react with a desire to talk about your loved one and how the information provided is relative. It can be challenging, but please do not provide specific details. Instead, please keep your responses similar to the following phrases:
Yes, I understand that.
I can't relate to that right now.
I'm not sure.
Please feel free to take notes. This may be especially helpful if you are unable to relate to a piece of information. You can refer to it later with family members for validation. Some people experience Psychic Amnesia during a reading. You are unable to recall any information and will completely forget about certain loved ones during the reading. It is after the reading when information makes sense.
Please do not attempt to force or stretch the information to fit with your loved one. Simply tell me you are not understanding it. Spirit connection is a complex process. I put forth my best effort and intentions to understand messages, but I am human and can misinterpret them.
It is common for sitters to experience a wide range of emotions during a reading; from crying to laughter. Give yourself permission to fully experience them as it can help you with healing or coming to realizations.
Please open your mind and your heart. We, you and I, do not choose or control who may show up for you. You can, however, spend a few quiet moments before your reading to talk with your loved ones in Spirit. Invite them to be there with you and let them know how much you would appreciate hearing from them.
After the reading, we will have a brief conversation when you may ask any questions you have for clarification. If I feel there is a need to exceed the allotted time, there is no additional charge.
How I Work
There are commonalities in readings but every medium's method is distinctive as each brings different abilities and skillsets to his or her mediumship. To share how I experience the Spiritual connection and the standards to which I hold myself accountable will help you understand how I work.
I chose to develop my abilities and obtain certification in mediumship because of the benefits it provides to others. This work comes from my heart and soul and I felt a calling to it. It's not about seeking recognition or approval but about being of service to God, Spirit, and you.
Before our sessions, I pray, meditate and ground myself. Grounding balances physical and spiritual energy allowing me to be focused and present in the moment. Prayer and meditation help me to quiet my ego, bring in the Divine, and step into the mediumship role.
Your people may start making their presence known before we begin speaking. but it is when I hear your voice the connection becomes stronger. I will begin receiving multi-sensory impressions through the Clairs; the psychic version of the physical senses. I see images, hear sounds and voices, receive thoughts that are not my own, know information without being aware of how I know it, and smell fragrances and odors. Spirit may give physical sensations to help me understand an illness or injury they had while physically here. The conversation with Spirit is occurring telepathically and is not audible to you.
Information comes in rapidly and in flashes and is not like the movies or television shows portray it. It is like puzzle pieces I need to put together although it can be given as a complete understanding with one impression. An impression can have a meaning which is literal or symbolic. For example, if I see a pair of work boots Spirit is telling me he performed manual labor or rode motorcycles, or they are acknowledging you just purchased a new pair of workbooks. If it is not clear to you, I will ask Spirit for additional information to clarify. It is always interesting, and sometimes comical, to see what they provide to get their messages across.
I often have Spirits come in two or more at a time. They may begin the session by providing information simultaneously. It may take me a little time to recognize this and differentiate between them.
Please understand that I am an empathetic person but try to refrain from becoming immersed in your emotions and feelings during readings as I lose the connection. I just like clients to know I am not being insensitive and assure you I will be supportive of you.
When your loved ones have finished communicating and the reading is nearing the end, I will let you know.
I am personable yet conduct myself in a responsible and professional manner. A uniform Code of Ethics does not currently exist in the United States for mediums, psychics, and other spiritual healers so I compiled my own for two reasons. It allows clients to know the standards to which I hold myself accountable and it provides some insight to individuals exploring or developing their mediumship.
Clients must be 18 years or older to receive a reading.
There is no difference in the connection between an in-person reading and telephone reading

In-Person Reading
Meet with me for a private and confidential session in a comfortable setting where your loved ones stop in to visit to let you know they are around you.
Your comfort level is important to me so I check in with you during the reading. You may experience a wide range of emotions during your session including joy and laughter. There is no judgment about any sensitive or personal topics that may arise.
My intention is for you to have a positive and uplifting experience. I will discontinue a session and return any funds received if it is not in your or my best interest to continue.
This reading is for individuals only. If you wish for two people to attend, there is an additional charge for another person.

Individual Reading
by Telephone
Group Sessions
A reading by telephone offers you the privacy and comfort of your own home. It is a great option if you are unable to meet in person.
I especially enjoy giving phone readings as there are no visuals to distract me. Other than that, there is no difference between a telephone reading and an
in-person reading.
To receive the most benefits from your reading, it is recommended that you find a place in your home which is quiet and relaxing for you. When the environment is calm and without interruptions, it allows you to focus on the messages received from your loved ones. Once you are ready, you will call me for the reading.
This reading is for individuals only.
Additional information coming soon.